Archive | October, 2011

EMB Studios films Wineries Around the World

9 Oct

Paul Nordin (Camera Op) and Winter (Location Sound)  are spending most of October filming  “The Maestro – André Tchelistcheff – The Voice of Wine”.   This documentary is being directed by Mark Tchelistcheff, along with German DP Wedigo Von Schultzendorff.  This film is documenting the amazing impact that André Tchelistcheff had on the California, Washington, French, and Italian winemaking during his long life.  Filming is in Napa and Sonoma until mid-October, when Paul, Winter and the production team fly to Europe to film in Alsace, Bordeaux, and Burgundy France, and Tuscany Italy.   We are using our Epic-M and Illumina lenses to capture some of the most picturesqe places on earth!